The winners Remember me are:
- Rossi
- Juli
Congrats Girls:)
Please send me your email:
SALE Commercial Use
Until December 3th 2010
I have today new kit for you, something delicate:)
This kit contains:
- 62 elements
- 10 papers
Do you like this kit?
If yes please write here a few words
I will back and choose the 2 lucky winners
TODAY my kit 25% off
- Rossi
- Juli
Congrats Girls:)
Please send me your email:
SALE Commercial Use
Until December 3th 2010
I have today new kit for you, something delicate:)
This kit contains:
- 62 elements
- 10 papers
Do you like this kit?
If yes please write here a few words
I will back and choose the 2 lucky winners
TODAY my kit 25% off